Starting a job Search – 5 tips to avoid the throwing pennies in the ocean approach

So you’ve decided to start a job search, good for you.  Fall is a great time to look, after the summer months have come to an end, people are back to business before December Holidays arrive.

Software used to accept resumes, accepts all resumes so expect some volume out there. Due to volume it can feel like you are throwing pennies in the ocean waiting to get a response. Easily there could be 100’s of resumes that apply to the posting – how do you get noticed?

  1. Make sure your resume is tailored to the job, at least your objective should be tweaked to align to the role you are applying for
  2. Do your research on the company, check recent blogs, twitter activity and mention any specific projects or technology of recent mention
  3. Reach out to people in your network who work there, or have worked there for intel on company culture and to see if you can get a referral in
  4. Don’t be afraid to go in cold, contact directly the person responsible for hiring or the person listed on the job posting through email or via a polite phone reach out.  Mention the specific job ID number posted in the listing
  5. Follow up on your application

2014 Resume Detective Blog in review

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2014 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 860 times in 2014. If it were a cable car, it would take about 14 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

5 Tips for Getting back in to the Swing of your Job Search

Swing of things into the Job Search


Looking to get back in to the swing of your job search that seems to have gone by the way side this summer?  Here are 5 tips to get you motivated and on your way.

1. Now is the best time to start looking for a new job – Fall is a busy hiring time. Many hiring managers and decision makers have been away all summer on much needed vacations and once back in action they are ready to make hires in September.

2. Look for interesting job postings on LinkedIn – Connect directly with the job poster and let them know you are interested, and why you are a great fit for the job. You have an early start if you start now.

3. Plan to attend at least 2 networking opportunities in September. Groups on LinkedIn, Meet Ups or through your industry associations are great ways to get out and network.

4. Go through your Address Book and send at least 10 emails to people who may be able to connect you with a new job, to ask how their summer has been going. Everyone is still in a good mood and more relaxed so get in touch now so when the busy fall season comes you are already top of mind.

5. Set up 3 Career Alerts: Monster, Workopolis and Indeed are highly suggested so matching jobs come directly to your inbox with out you having to spend time searching every day.

2013 Blogging a Year in review – The Stats!

The stats helper monkeys prepared a 2013 annual report for this blog.

Here’s an excerpt:

A San Francisco cable car holds 60 people. This blog was viewed about 2,000 times in 2013. If it were a cable car, it would take about 33 trips to carry that many people.

Click here to see the complete report.

Top 5 Best Job Hunting Tips for quick success


Looking to land a new position by the New Year? Here are a few tips to help you fast-track the search

1. Apply for jobs in your most recent two industries (if you worked in banking, apply to other banks)

2. If you see a job you want to apply to on line, apply – and then email a friend/co-worker if you can to ask them to put in a good word

3. Apply to jobs close to home. Hiring Managers respond well to resumes of candidates that can get to work easily.

4. Check Craigslist (yes, I am serious, it’s not for the faint of heart, but people on both sides are motivated to get moving)

5. Tailor your resume for each job you apply for. It’s not “copying” if you have done these things and it shows you were paying attention. It will also trigger key words if a database is doing the sorting of the resumes and not human eyeballs.

Don’t Kick the S out of someone else’s Business … if you can help it!

Be as up front as you can on timing when negotiating contracts

Don’t Kick the S out of someone else’s Business 

If  you are new to contracting let me give you a few tips, since I am not new to this industry, or to life, LOL

1. Be upfront with everyone you are negotiating an opportunity with – let them know of possible risks so they can balance timing. I always ask candidates if they have other contract opportunities and it’s good to share with your recruiter/HR person so they can help manage expectation on the other side. It helps to preserve a relationship down the road if you are up front with people.

2. Don’t keep things too close to your chest, if you have a concern, bring it up – many times it can be dealt with. Rates, Timing, Renewals Terms, Parking – all things that can be negotiated. Location is one things that’s hard to negotiate – so watch out for long winter drives coming soon to a GTA location near you.

3. When you are in a referral situation (someone you know in your industry has refered you) be extra cautious not to cause any negative impacts to their relationships by your actions.

4. Get a really good accountant up front and keep ALL receipts so you can write them off, they can also help you set up your incorporation if you don’t want to do it yourself on-line.

5. Once you have provided your incorporation information and received your contract now you can start to decline any other opportunities. When you do decline, do so as quickly as possible, don’t let other projects hang in jeopardy if you can help it. It does take time to let everyone know what is going on, but if they have taken the time to help you it’s the least you can do.

Happy Contracting Everyone~

5 Tips to Ace the Job Interview …and stand out from the rest of the crowd

5 Tips to Ace the Job Interview …and stand out from the rest of the crowd.


This never gets old!

Why didn’t you make your #interview?

What reason did you give for pulling a no show on an interview?

What reason did you give for pulling a no show on an interview?

Reasons I have been given recently for not showing up for the interview:

1. Family Emergency – didn’t you get my message?

When you have a family emergency, you should do Everything you can do get in touch with the company to let them know you are not able to attend. Don’t send a wimpy email a few hours before – CALL ahead, email, text, make sure you get a live person to update.

2. I got lost and couldn’t find the location

Internet – use it to check location before you go
Try Calling the main phone line to ask for directions

3. The Fully MIA – no show – no call – no response – no reason

Make sure you don’t mistakenly apply for that job again.

It’s bad Karma to just not show up on an interview, pulling a no show. It’s not professional and you can be sure the Human Resources person will remember your profile down the road if you do re-apply.

Time to book your #SummerVacation – It’s the law, didn’t you know?

<p>Image courtesy of [image creator name] / <a href="" target="_blank"></a></p>

Time to start planning your Summer Vacation!

Spring is finally here. Summer is around the corner. It never seems to be a “good time” at work to take a break from your projects, but it’s very important to come back feeling fresh. Something we’ve done over the last few years, is picked a week (or two) in the calendar for a summer and winter vacation. Once the time comes, it’s always hectic but once finally away, the vacation can start!  It’s good to get out of your regular routine and take a break from the everyday.

Did you know that the employment standards act actually mandates you have a two week vacation from work a year as long as you work in a full time role. You earn vacation as you work; you don’t start with a bank of vacation. If you have earned your vacation this year, go ahead and book a cottage this summer for a week. You won’t regret it, and hey, it’s the law! Just make sure you pre-approve the date range with your boss to ensure clients won’t be impacted and vacations can be managed.

April Showers …. can bring a fresh start to your #Career


It’s certainly raining this April, and certain to bring May flowers!!

Seasonal change can be a great time to make other small changes in your work life balance. Try to make one small change you can incorporate the rest of the year.

Take a longer walk route to work, take some extra stairs, take time to smell those May flowers.  With more sunlight before and after work, check in to outside activities you can join. Even just a small change can give you the extra energy you need to make it through the work day.